May 11, 2012

running partner || on loving and losing

I hung out with him last night. We ran the Thursday Night Trail Run that Athletics Yukon puts on each week. It was about 5.7 km. He was a good sport. No complaints, stayed with me the whole time. I could tell the pace was a near crawl by his footfall...

I didn't think I could do it. But that's the thing with Justin, he makes me do things I believe I can't do. He has this way of making everything seem easy. Before yesterday I haven't run more than one minute and thirty seconds because that is all my iPod tells me to do. But with Justin I ran for maybe 30 minutes (at least it felt an hour) without stopping! Eventually the hills caught up to my calves and I had to ask him to walk. But, he walked along side me, complaint free. As any good running partner would. 

I get asked a lot why I still see him. It seems insane to people that I wouldn't cut all ties, but everything around Justin is easy. That's why this is so hard. The pain in my heart is better, not absent, but better around him. Except the moment he gets out of the car without kissing me-that sucks.

Nonetheless, I'll take a running friend who is willing to stick it through my rehab process over cutting all ties. Plus, I need the push, and he does that.

1 comment:

Thank you for your sweet comments.

-Enjoy, krb