May 18, 2012


There are some years, I think, that call for quieter, more peace-filled celebrations.
So far it has been one of those, and I am grateful.

I think the quiet years may be the ones that suit me best, the ones that remind me of the gift of introspection, of close friends and meaningful relationships.

Smaller and quieter, I realize, doesn't mean any less joy-filled.

This year, there is no blow-out birthday party. I didn't even give my birthday much thought. When asked what I wanted to do for the big day, I simply didn't have an answer. It's not that I was ambivalent. It's just that this year, I've felt quiet, at peace. Content.

I think it's okay.

Because sometimes, the years are about self-discovery, about sitting back and eating cupcakes and planning small adventures and setting down new roots and being grateful for the life you have. Other years are about exploring, about taking big leaps and making big decisions.

Maybe 29 will look like that later; I guess I can't be too sure. I am, however, slightly allowing myself to entertain the idea of soul searching.  

For now, though, 29 looks calm and happy and peaceful and bright.
I am blessed.

And I thank you for celebrating with me. 

Much love dear friends.

1 comment:

Thank you for your sweet comments.

-Enjoy, krb