April 28, 2012

God takes the good ones

Yesterday I woke up to some awful news: I had lost a friend to cancer.

29 years old.

It's sad that it takes a death of a loved one to make me reassess my own life, and evaluate relationships.

To celebrate my friend, I'm going to allow myself to say no to things I don't really want to do; take more precious moments to drink tea and sit on the deck; and walk longer with the dogs when I need more alone time. In ways it's sad that I've allowed my life to become full of obligations: committees and organizations to sit-in on, groups, fundraising events, volunteering with my church, and other ridiculous things I've signed up for because I felt I might make a difference, or it could improve my quality of life in one way or another. But the truth is, it hasn't and they won't. The truth is, I am just busy and not very happy.

Tabby was always happy. Even when she was fighting with cancer she still smiled a genuine smile. She was brilliant. I used to try and score better on assignments than her, but could never. She was strong. I've never met a woman more strong or emotionally stable than her. She was the woman you would find yourself opening up to, sharing every detail with as you knew that she would never judge you, or share your words with anyone else. She was elegant and grace-filled. You'd never see her with mustard on her sleeve, or dirt under her nails, but she was never a high-maintence kind of girl either. Just naturally beautiful. I only hope she knew how loved, and admired she is.

It's hard to understand: His plans, the reason He takes the good ones from us so soon. But, I must trust in Him.

1 comment:

Thank you for your sweet comments.

-Enjoy, krb